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Sequence alignment

In this section we will consider:

  • How BLAST works
  • How BLAST works - pictorial
  • Interpreting BLAST output
  • BLAST parameters
  • The BLAST suite
  • Large scale computational genomics
  • BAC end sequencing and methyl-filtration libraries
  • Use of C0t analysis
  • Once you have a sequence (or set of sequences), the next step is usually to establish whether there are any similar sequences already in the database, whether they have been assigned a function, and what else, if anything, is known about them. This first step aligns your sequence against all the other sequences in the database.

    Below is a simplified example of alignment (taken from Schneider & La Rota, 2000). Note that gaps (signified by "-") are introduced by the algorithm to allow for insertions or deletions that have occurred in the sequences.