Early plant breeding
Early plant breeding, wheat example
Development of landraces
History of early wheat varieties in England
Hand pollination
Deliberate use of crossing to generate variation
Principles of inheritance
Genotypic variation
Other forms of heritable variation
Quantitative variation and heritability
Novel sources of genetic variation
The practice of plant breeding
Breeding methods
Plant Breeders' rights
New technologies for plant breeding
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Deliberate use of crossing to generate variation

Pioneered in ornamentals (rose and chrysanthemum) in China. Chrysanthemum mentioned by Confucius (孔夫子) in the fifth century BC and was probably being actively bred there from the early centuries AD

Hybridization in cereals started in the late 1800's:

Wheat 1870s:
In France, Henry de Vilmorin made systematic crosses between English and French wheats, released the variety "Dattel" in 1883.
1900: In Australia, William Farrer released the rust-resistant, high-yielding "Federation"

1923: In USA, the first commercial maize hybrid Copper Cross produced.
1934: <0.5% of US maize acreage occupied by hybrids; by 1944: 59%, and by 1954: 100%.