Early plant breeding
Early plant breeding, wheat example
Development of landraces
History of early wheat varieties in England
Hand pollination
Deliberate use of crossing to generate variation
Principles of inheritance
Genotypic variation
Other forms of heritable variation
Quantitative variation and heritability
Novel sources of genetic variation
The practice of plant breeding
Breeding methods
Plant Breeders' rights
New technologies for plant breeding
Untitled Document

Hand pollination

This idea is old - it has been used in date production for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Date palm is a good example.

Date palms are single sex (monoecious); so to maximize fruit set, female trees (which normally rely on the wind for pollination) are commonly pollinated by hand.

The number of male flowers from a single date palm is enough to fertilize 40-50 female trees.

This allows the farmer to limit the number of male trees required to two or three per field.