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Science for better crops in the tropics

While farmers in the developing world face agricultural challenges largely similar to their counterparts in industrialised countries, access to resources for mitigation makes all the differerence. For the majority of crop farmers in the developing world, the ravages of drought, low soil fertility, crop pests and diseases are aggravated by their limited access to improved crops. Moreover, irrigation, fertilisers and pesticides are often beyond their reach.

Access to improved plants is a critical tipping point between healthy and hungry families.

By using advances in molecular biology and harnessing the rich global stocks of crop genetic resources, the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) aims to bridge this gap. Through its five Subprogrammes, GCP creates and provides a new generation of plants that meet farmer needs, as reflected in our vision, mission and objectives in our Strategy Framework.

 Who We Are:
GCP is an international, multisectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in the plant sciences. More  

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Gene flow book co-written by SP5 Leader now available

Following our announcement of last year on a soon-to-be-published book co-written by GCP SP5 Leader Carmen de Vicente, we are pleased to an...

GCP Fellow has paper published in Molecular Breeding

2006 GCP Fellow Maxwell Darko Asante from the CSIR–Crops Research Institute in Ghana has seen his paper on The genetic origin of fra...
