Integrated breeding platform - Plant breeding software

2017 Borlaug Global Research Alliance Fellowships

October 17, 2016

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting applicationsImage result for usda logo vector for the 2017 Borlaug Global Research Alliance Fellowships. Fellows will work with a mentor at USDA’s Agricultural Research Service or a U.S. university for up to 12 weeks on climate change mitigation research. The U.S. mentor will subsequently visit the fellow’s home institution to continue collaboration. The deadline for applications in 30th November 2016.

Countries eligible for the 2017 Borlaug Global Research Alliance Fellowships are Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Targeted research areas are:

  1. Developing Tools for Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Sequestration Assessments
  2. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Crop Production Systems
  3. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Livestock Production Systems; and
  4. Developing Databases and Strategies for Synthesis, Integration and Decision Support to Manage Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems

More information is available on this page, and applications are to be submitted online.

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